Archive | December, 2013


11 Dec


clockFolding leaves, of Space and Time

Winds whipping across the evergreens shatter the frost from the branches. Grass underfoot cracks and bristles with Burning fear as a hundred pairs of feet pound the earth in a frantic panicked rhythm.
Eyes scanning, dresses and cloaks flowing in a flurry of movement and energy, The Kingdom searches frantically.
Running effortlessly, heart heavy with leaden weight of anticipation, The young man Weeps as frost and stinging winds blow into his eyes, Eyes the colour of grey blue stone, Eyes parallel to the Steel grey of the Sky.
As a ghost he blurs through the gardens and woods, other shapes of men reach to greet him, honest Men, Good men and women, all searching with Him. His Eyes are torn from their forms as his ears refuse to hear the sorrow in their voices. He runs on-wards towards the source of his unbelief, the source of his Hearts sorrow, the source of his distress.

Lakes rise before him as great smooth slabs of creaking, frosty darkness. Fractured in a thousand infinite patterns of black fear and dread. The colours of Willows Weeping in the constant winter winds seem to scream of the Pain in the hearts of those surrounding the small body of a child on the shore. The Weeping Mother who looks from her Son in her arms to the Son Approaching and breaks with a sound to match the blackest water of the lake which has stolen the fire from them all.

The Kingdom Weeps with her, Their tears burning their souls from a depth within. Deep as the Blackest water dripping from the motionless prince, deep as his infinite dreaming has become, deep as the Fire burning in his brothers heart as he slows to a stop, leaning against a willow branch of this ancient tree.
Fury burns hot enough to crush the Willow to Cinders, only moments, moments and a life is lost, moments and a life is saved. tears streaming from this young man’s face, hand clenched tight against the branch. The horrible scene slows as he watches his mother weep, his brother Dead, his kingdom in mourning for the joy they have lost.
Rage snaps and tears the branch from the tree and the world blurs from focus through Haunted and Confused Eyes.
Why, Why, why?
The World will remember this day. the day the young prince lost a brother.

Winds whipping across the evergreens shatter the frost from the branches  Grass underfoot cracks and bristles with Burning fear as a hundred pairs of feet pound the earth in a frantic panicked rhythm.
Eyes scanning, dresses and cloaks flowing in a flurry of movement and energy, The Kingdom searches frantically.
Running effortlessly, heart heavy with leaden weight of anticipation, The woman Weeps as frost and stinging winds blow into her eyes, Eyes the colour of grey blue stone, Eyes parallel to the Steel grey of the Sky, eyes like her lost sons.
As a scarlet form she Strides through the gardens and woods, other shapes of men reach to greet her, honest Men, Good men and women, all searching with Her, all searching for them, for her sons. Her Eyes are torn from their forms, refusing to hear the sorrow in their voices. she runs on-wards towards the source of the unbelief, the source of her Hearts sorrow.

Lakes rise before her as great smooth slabs of creaking, frosty darkness. Fractured in a thousand infinite patterns of black fear and dread. The colours of Willows Weeping in the constant winter winds seem to scream of the Pain in the hearts of those surrounding the shore. The Weeping Queen looks for her Sons as she Approaches and her cries break with a sound to match the blackest water of the lake which has stolen the fire from them all.

The Kingdom Weeps with her, Their tears burning their souls from a depth within. Deep as the Blackest water dripping from the motionless prince, deep as his infinite dreaming has become, deep as the Fire burning in his younger brothers heart as he slows to a stop in the shallows of the lake, clutching his Young trembling brother in his arms. and in his hand is a long slender staff, a willow branch. A willow branch of an ancient tree.
Glory burns hot enough to Strengthen the Willow to steel. Only moments matter, moments and a life is lost, moments and a life is saved. tears streaming from this young man’s face, hand clenched tight against the Staff and his brother holding tight to him as they stride towards their mother. The Incredible scene slows as he watches his mother weep, his Younger brother crying softly in her arms, his kingdom Rejoicing for the joy they have saved.
Joy Breaks across his face and tears stream his cheeks as a knowing smile peeks delicately in one corner of his lips. The branch from the tree, The staff in his hand, and the world blurs Suddenly into clarity and focus through Joyful and amazed Eyes.
The World will remember this day. the day the young prince saved a brother.